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Bertrand Blessing

Composer and musician in work in regress (?) and (re)flux
Holder of a certificate in double bass and jazz drums from the Conservatoire de Musique of Geneva, he is also a graduate of the Professional Jazz School of Geneva and studied classical percussion for two years. He is a percussionist with Urban Drum and Bass (a street percussion performance using urban furniture), a drummer and programmer for Blessing’s breakvbeat and MCs (a live electro project involving MCs), he plays drums for Bertrand Blessing & Pitched Battle (a modern jazz quintet), the vibraphone with Sauna (a nu-jazz trio) and the drums for the Geneva Downtown Orchestra. He works with both theatre (Théâtre Confiture - Philippe Cohen, Fanfare Du Loup - Jean-Louis Hourdin) as well as dance companies : Compagnie Gambit (jeux, héros, ero), Compagnie épiderme (Work in regress (?), (re)flux).

Michel Mandel

Composer and musician in Circonférence
After completing his classical studies at the Conservatoire National de Grenoble, and obtaining a Diplôme d’état as a clarinet teacher, he entered a career as an independent musician, performer and composer. With a certain eclecticism and burning energy, he created many different musical ensembles before focusing his work on a more radical kind of music with Volapük, an atypical quartet, and co-founding the La Forge collective. He is also pursuing a career as a soloist with his personal clarinet repertoire, and has always been open to numerous collaboration projects in different fields such as plastic arts (working with the painter and scenographer Stern) and dance choreographers (Maguy Marin, A-M. Pascoli...) for whom he composes and performs.

Camille Perrin

Composer and musician in work in regress (?) and Métaphormose(s)
An off-road double bass player, a musical adventurer, a dynamic and passionate performer and composer. He explores many different aspects of the creative process, and strives to open people’s minds by making them open their ears. His classical training with the CNR of Nancy was later enriched by the encounters that marked his personal path of exploration. Contributing to the musicians’ collective EMIL13 and participating in a variety of associations, he loves to work with a mixture of genres and artistic practices, as is proven by his numerous multidisciplinary creations. Always at the heart of projects and teachings of a great variety of musical styles (LABO, Rosette, Le Crapô des Marais, La Philarmonie du don vide, La Esquina Latina, La grande mamaille...), he has toured extensively in France and Europe, in particular with the experimental rock group Ace. Along this path, he has worked in theatre (Cie Roland Furieux, Cie de L’Idiot, Carlos Dogman, Cie Tout va bien merci...), dance (Cie Jeanne Simone, Didier Otomo, Cie Osmosis, Patricia Kuypers et Franck Beaubois, Cie Mille Failles, Cie épiderme...) and the circus (Chantier de cirque avec Francis Albiero, Ludor Citrik...).

Bertrand Blessing © Olivier Humeau
Bertrand Blessing
Michel Mandel © Dominique Rieffel
Michel Mandel
Camille Perrin © Olivier Humeau
Camille Perrin